If you need a lawyer in Brazil for either Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro or national representation, AA Risk can setup a initial legal consultation with one of our 5 firms associated with us depending on your legal requirements.

We normally recommend a 45 minute consultation with the legal partner at a cost of US$90 for a brief overview and considerations of your process. It also allows the customer to establish the best recourse normally. We will need more information up front of this consultation.

Our legal partners in Brazil are able to offer lawyer services for the following segments below:

  • Company law
  • Mediation
  • Regulatory law
  • Medical aid, health and doctor law
  • Financial and Investment law
  • Property law
  • Family and succession law
  • Criminal law
  • Tax law
  • Consumer law
  • Labor law
  • Energy segment legislation

AA Risk believes that after understanding the market the next most important aspect is to understand local Brazilian legislation and labour law.

If you send us short message to our contact e-mail AA RISK we will co-ordinate your consultation. Please be brief and objective so we can help you effectively. Always submit a contact telefone or email.

Lawyers in A Brazil

Lawyers in A Brazil

Lawyers in A Brazil

Lawyers in A Brazil