

Formal Qualifications

- Grey Boys High School
- Damelin Marketing & Sales
- Mandela Metropolitan University
- Bachelor of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Professional Experiences

- 25 years Global Sales and Marketing Experience.
- Worked for German and American Multinationals 8 years.
- Entrepreneur in Brazil

Expertises Segments

- Industrial - Automotive - Construction
- Water Treatment - Food Industry - Chemical
- Business Development
- MVP Startups
- Go-To-Market
- Sales Training


- English
- German
- Portuguese
- Afrikaans

Personal Philosophies

- We live only once - Carpe Diem
- Do it right first time
- Tri Juncta in uno (school motto)

Favorite Phrases

“It always seems impossible until it is done.” - Nelson Mandela
“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” - Oliver Holmes



Formal Qualifications

- FECAP University - Accountant
- PUC University - Law School Bachelorate

Professional Experiences

Over 20 years of experience in accounting, tax area, labor and corporate matters

Expertises Segments

- Direct and indirect taxes
- Acquisition, Merger and Spin-off of Companies
- Tax Planning and Succession Planning
- Business management


- Portuguese

Personal Philosophies

I am a guy who loves to be with family, in pleasant surroundings, work needs to be fun, overcome challenges, calm, patient, fair, honest.

Favorite Phrases

“Let’s go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday.” - Steve Jobs



Formal Qualifications

- Accounting
- Human Sciences formation

Professional Experiences

25 Years Business management and Tax planning

Expertises Segments

- Automotive
- Construction
- Energy
- Retail
- Outsourcing
- Consultancy


- Portuguese

Personal Philosophies

- Do good no matter to whom it may be
- Do unto others as you want unto yourself

Favorite Phrases

“Man is the measure of all things” – Protagoras
True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” - Socrates



Formal Qualifications

- Otto Du Plessis High School
- Mandela Cosmopolitan University
- Bachelor Human Movements Science
- Honors Education (Cum Laude)
- Masters in Education
- University of Free State – Doctorate.

Professional Experiences

20 Years Product Development Wine & Spirits. Sales and Marketing experience South Africa and Sub Saharan Africa.5 years Regional Sales Director Toshiba Business Systems. Founder Splashcuzzi Pools South Africa.

Expertises Segments

- Franchising – Wine and Spirits
- Office automation
- Franchising - Splash pools
- Product Management
- Product Development


- English
- Afrikaans

Personal Philosophies

- Get the work done right the first time
- In God I trust

Favorite Phrases

“All humans are created equal, dish respect out to all and you will be overwhelmed with what you get back in return”


SalesAlexandre Silva

Alexandre Silva
Sales and Marketing
Digital Strategy & SEO


FinancialAndré Leite

Company Registration
Mergers & Aquisition
Business Management
Company Tax


Tax & FinancialCarlos Armede

HR Outsourcing
Labor Law
Import & Export Tax
Tax Law


Team FocusRudy Campher

Product Management
Product Development
Franchise Ops