Formal Qualifications
- Grey Boys High School
- Damelin Marketing & Sales
- Mandela Metropolitan University
- Bachelor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Professional Experiences
- 25 years Global Sales and Marketing Experience.
- Worked for German and American Multinationals 8 years.
- Entrepreneur in Brazil
Expertises Segments
- Industrial - Automotive - Construction
- Water Treatment - Food Industry - Chemical
- Business Development
- MVP Startups
- Go-To-Market
- Sales Training
- English
- German
- Portuguese
- Afrikaans
Personal Philosophies
- We live only once - Carpe Diem
- Do it right first time
- Tri Juncta in uno (school motto)
Favorite Phrases
“It always seems impossible until it is done.” - Nelson Mandela
“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” - Oliver Holmes